Δευτέρα 1 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Πόσο καλά ξέρετε τον καφέ σας;

Οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι πίνουν καφέ κάθε μέρα, επειδή τους αρέσει η γεύση και το άρωμά του ή επειδή πρέπει να κρατηθούν ξύπνιοι. Όμως, πόσα πράγματα γνωρίζουμε για αυτό το τόσο δημοφιλές ρόφημα; Ιδού μερικά «μυστικά» του καφέ που έχουν ενδιαφέρον. Εσείς πόσα από αυτά ξέρατε; 1. Ο καφές εισήχθη για πρώτη φορά στην Ευρώπη με την ονομασία «αραβικό κρασί».

2. Η αραβική του ονομασία ήταν «κάχουα». Η λέξη «καφέ» είναι παραφθορά της αραβικής λέξης, η οποία πέρασε στα τούρκικα ως «κάχβε» και στα ιταλικά ως «καφέ». 

3. Ο καφές προέρχεται από καρπούς που μοιάζουν με σταφύλια. Κάθε καρπός έχει μέσα του δύο κόκκους, οι οποίοι όταν αποξηραίνονται γίνονται ο καφές που γνωρίζουμε. Για ένα κιλό καφέ χρειάζονται περίπου 8.000 κόκκοι. 

4. Οι διεγερτικές ιδιότητες του καφέ ανακαλύφθηκαν από έναν αιθίοπα βοσκό, ο οποίος παρατήρησε ότι οι κατσίκες που έτρωγαν το συγκεκριμένο φυτό είχαν περισσότερη ενεργητικότητα. 

5. Ο ντεκαφεϊνέ καφές εξακολουθεί να περιέχει καφεΐνη. Απλώς η ποσότητα είναι στο 1-2% της αρχικής. 

6. Ο εσπρέσο δεν είναι είδος καφέ, αλλά τρόπος παρασκευής του ροφήματος. 

7. Ο στιγμιαίος καφές ήταν εφεύρεση του… Τζορτζ Ουάσιγκτον. Όχι του αμερικανού προέδρου, αλλά ενός εφευρέτη που έκανε πειραματισμούς όταν είχε βρεθεί στη Γουατεμάλα. 

8. Ο καφές ήταν το ρόφημα που διανεμόταν στους στρατιώτες του αμερικανικού εμφυλίου. Μάλιστα, είχαν κατασκευαστεί ακόμη και τουφέκια με… ενσωματωμένο μύλο καφέ!

9. Ο πιο φανατικός πότης καφέ ήταν ο Βολταίρος, ο οποίος κατανάλωνε καθημερινά τουλάχιστον 50 φλιντζάνια! 

10. Ο σκέτος καφές δεν περιέχει θερμίδες!11. Ο πιο ακριβός καφές στον κόσμο παράγεται στο Βιετνάμ και μπορεί να φθάσει ακόμη και τις 5000 ευρώ, το κιλό! Ο τρόπος παραγωγής του είναι αρκετά αηδιαστικός: οι κόκκοι του καφέ τρώγονται από ένα είδος νυφίτσας. Έπειτα, ό,τι έχει απομείνει συλλέγεται από τα περιττώματα του ζώου. Οι ειδικοί υποστηρίζουν ότι τα ένζυμα του οργανισμού της νυφίτσας χαρίζουν στον καφέ πιο πλούσιο άρωμα!

Τετάρτη 2 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Success begins when you take control of your thoughts

The following is a description of the 17 Principles of Success taken directly from the Napoleon Hill World Learning Centre. Andrew Carnegie, one of, if not the, world`s richest man at the time commissioned Hill to spend 25 years researching the most successful men of his time to put together these principles.

1. Definiteness of Purpose is the starting point of all achievement and success. All individual achievement begins with the adoption of a definite major purpose and a specific plan for its attainment.

2. The Mastermind Principle consists of an alliance of two or more minds working together in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite objective.

3. Applied Faith is an active state of mind. This belief in yourself is applied to achieving a definite major purpose in life.

4. Going The Extra Mile is the action of rendering more and better service than that for which you are presently paid. This Universal Law neither permits any living thing to get something for nothing nor allows any form of labor to go unrewarded.

5. Pleasing Personality is the sum total of one`s mental, spiritual, and physical traits and habits that distinguish one from all others. Your personality is your greatest asset or liability.

6 Personal Initiative There are two types of men, said Andrew Carnegie, who never amount to anything. One is the fellow who never does anything except that which he is told to do, the other is the fellow who never does more than he is told to do.

7. Positive Mental Attitude is the right mental attitude in all circumstances. Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things you don't want.

8. Enthusiasm is faith in action. Enthusiasm comes from the Greek words en which means in and theos which means God. It is the intense emotion known as burning desire.

9. Self-Discipline means taking possession of your own mind. Direct your thoughts, control your emotions, and ordain your destiny.

10. Accurate Thinking The power of thought is the most dangerous or the most beneficial power available to man, depending, of course, upon how it is used.

11. Controlled Attention leads to mastery in any type of human endeavor, because it enables one to focus the powers of his mind upon the attainment of a definite objective and to keep it so directed at will. Concentration on one`s major purpose projects a clear picture of that purpose upon the conscious mind and holds it there until it is taken over by the subconscious mind and acted upon.

12. Teamwork is harmonious cooperation that is willing, voluntary and free. Generosity, fair treatment, courtesy, and a willingness to serve are qualities that pay high dividends whenever they are applied in human relations.

13. Learning From Adversity And Defeat Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. Most so-called failures represent only a temporary defeat that may prove to be a blessing in disguise.

14. Creative Vision is developed by the free and fearless use of one's imagination.

15. Maintenance of Sound Health The mind and the body are so closely related that whatever one does affects the other. One does not enjoy sound health without a health consciousness.

16. Budgeting Time And Money People are divided into two classes: drifters and non-drifters. A non-drifter is a person who has a definite major purpose, a definite plan to attain that purpose, and is busily engaged in carrying out their plan.

17. Cosmic Habitforce pertains to the universe as a whole and the laws that govern it. It is Infinite Intelligence in operation. You are where you are and what you are because of your established habits and thoughts and deeds.

Which of Napoleon Hill's Success Principles do you think are most important?

Πέμπτη 13 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Can I take Ganoderma during pregnancy?

Yes, of course you can. In fact, you're encouraged to take Ganoderma before, during and after your pregnancy. Why taking Ganoderma is important at these stages?

During pregnancy, your health condition directly determines your baby's health. Let's not talk about genetic. If your body has too much accumulated toxins, your baby's growth will be definitely affected.

Heavy metal effect on pregnancy

Take mercury for example. This deadly heavy metal can damage our nerves and cause all sorts of mental problems. Therefore, too much of accumulated mercury in your body will retard your baby's nerve growth. But where do you get this mercury from?

It's simple. Certain sea foods and fishes are known to contain dangerous concentration of mercury. If you're pregnant, do not eat any shark or tuna fish because these two fishes are very high in mercury.

Why? Firstly, they are at the top of sea food chain. So they accumulate the most toxins passed to them from the bottom of the food chain. Secondly, these fishes live longer. So they have longer time to accumulate even more toxins.

Other heavy metals that affect baby's growth are lead and arsenic. So how do you detoxify your body from heavy metals and other toxins?

Take Gannoderma supplement. Ganoderma herb effectively neutralizes heavy metals and other toxins in your body. It creates an ideal environment for your baby's growth, which is very important for a healthy and strong baby.

Low immune system effect on pregnancy

Do you often get sick? Do you often have flu, fever or sore throat? If you do, you are having a low immune system. And this can be dangerous to baby's growth during your pregnancy.

In case you couldn't fight off germs infection, those germs may arrive to your womb and harm your baby. Taking medicines may also produce unwanted side effects and affects baby's growth.

Therefore, maintaining a strong immune system is vital for good baby growth. Taking Ganoderma supplement naturally enhances your immune system without any side effects at all. It helps to protect your baby from unwanted bacteria or virus infection.

Poor blood circulation effect on pregnancy

Your baby takes in nutrients and oxygen, and expels unwanted waste substances through umbilical cord. And this highly depends on a good blood circulation.

When you have poor blood circulation, you cannot sufficiently deliver nutrients and oxygen to your baby. And your baby's waste substances cannot be thoroughly cleared out. This of course negatively affects baby's growth.

Taking Ganoderma supplement also helps in improving your blood circulation. This ensures good blood circulation to and from your baby.

Taking Ganoderma after pregnancy

After pregnancy, your body may become very weak and your hormone balance is slowly adjusted. Ganoderma herb helps to enhance your body energy, balance your hormone system and detoxify your body. This is especially important if you breastfeed your baby.

Human is considered on top of the food chain. However, breast milk is one level higher than human. Why this is important?

Imagine this. A plant may absorb heavy metals and other toxic chemicals from the soil. If a cow eats this plant, it will get all these toxins into its body too. When you eat beef, you will also get all these accumulated toxins from the cow.

Meanwhile in the ocean, small fish eats plankton. Medium sized fish eats smaller fish. And big fish eats medium sized fish. At the end, shark eats the big fish. Therefore, tiny amount of toxins are channeled up the food chain to the shark. Animal in higher food chain level contains even more toxins.

Finally, we human eat the shark, fish, cow, goat and the chicken. Imagine how much toxins you have accumulated. And these toxins in your body may be found in your breast milk too.This of course can affect baby's growth.

Therefore, taking Ganoderma is very important because it can detoxify your body and prevent baby from taking unwanted toxins through your breast milk.

Natural supplement during pregnancy

When taking supplement during pregnancy, it's very important to make sure the supplement doesn't produce unwanted side effects on you and your baby. Ganoderma is one of the best supplements you can take to ensure a healthy baby's growth. With its balancing or adaptogenic effect, Ganoderma doesn't produce unwanted side effects.

However, you must make sure the Ganoderma supplement you take it free from heavy metals itself. Due to improper cultivation and processing method, some supplement may contain some unwanted chemical substances. So you have to be very careful on this.

Where can be ganoderma found?

Organo Gold coffee products contain biological ganoderma. More information can be found at http://www.ogh.gr/ or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ogh/194274053974627

Τρίτη 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Ganoderma - King of Herbs

Ganoderma (Reishi) benefit

Ganoderma Lucidum or Reishi is also known as King of Herbs. In order to be known as King of Herbs, it has to have some qualities that aren’t commonly available in other herbs and because this has been found to be true Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum is also called ‘King of Herbs’.

Herbs are plants or their produce, which are naturally found or cultivated. Even most fruits, vegetable and spices that we use in our day-to-day life are known to have therapeutic value. Therapeutic means medical properties that can be used to cure a disease or body disorder. These home based herbs too are effective and work wonderfully in many health related problems, that is why they have been used as home remedies for centuries. Most of these home remedies or herbs have limited therapeutic property as well as quality and quantity, which isn’t superior enough or comparable with Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum or King of herbs.

The main characteristics of Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum that make it a real king of herbs are listed below, these characteristics are not commonly available in others herbs that are often used as medicine.

Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum – An adaptogen
Adaptogens are herbs that provide strength and stamina to body system and help it in relieving stress. The King of Herbs Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum is well known for its adaptogenic properties.
An adaptogen is non toxic in nature which means its safe to eat. An adaptogen enables body to develop its self-help defence system and resist against harmful agents whether physical, chemical or biological in nature.

Nutritional Value of Reishi/Ganoderma Lucidum
King of Herbs Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum provides a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals to our body. It contains potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Germanium (Ge) beside other essential micronutrients along with vitamins and minerals. All these nutrients are easily absorbed by our body system because they are naturally available in Rieshi Ganoderma Lucidum and therefore have a simple structure.

Therapeutic Value of Reishi/Ganoderma Lucidum
Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum: The King of Herbs therapeutic value aren’t hidden from anyone now a days. Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum is estimated to have approximately 200 medicinal constituents and more and more are being discovered with new researches. It is a wonder of nature that so many useful medicinal constituents are available in a single product, which have a wide range of medical application. These 200 therapeutic elements can be broadly categorised as
  • Polysaccharides for cleansing
  • Organic Germanium for balancing
  • Adesnosine for regulating
  • Triterpenoids for building
  • Ganoderic essence for regeneration

Although there are a number of herbs that are known adaptogens or have a high nutritional or therapeutic value but Reishi or Ganoderma Lucidum shows all above properties in combination, naturally that is why Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum is called The King of Herbs.

Τρίτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2009

Mediterranean Diet May Help Prevent Depression Lower incidence seen in Spanish study By Ed Edelson

MONDAY, Oct. 5 (HealthDay News) -- People who followed the Mediterranean diet, an eating regimen that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and nuts, were less likely to develop depression in a Spanish study.

"We are speaking of a relative reduction in risk of 42 percent to 51 percent," said study co-author Dr. Miguel A. Martinez-Gonzalez, chair of preventive medicine at the University of Navarra. "This is a strong association."

The Mediterranean diet usually is recommended to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular problems. This study, reported in the October issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry, is one of only a few to assess its effect on mental function.

The Spanish researchers followed more than 10,000 healthy adults who filled out questionnaires between 1999 and 2005. All were free of depression when the trial started. Their adherence to the Mediterranean diet was measured by looking at nine components, such as low intake of meat, moderate intake of alcohol and dairy products, and high intake of fruits, nuts, cereals, vegetables and fish.

After an average follow-up of 4.4 years, the overall incidence of depression for those who most followed the diet was 30 percent lower than for those who most ignored the dietary rules. Even lower rates of depression were associated with intake of specific elements of the Mediterranean diet, such as fruits, vegetables and olive oil.

There are several possible explanations for the reported protective effect, Martinez-Gonzales said. The Mediterranean diet improves the function of the endothelium, the delicate inner lining of blood vessels, which is involved in the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a molecule that is responsible for the growth and function of nerve cells, he said. "Dysfunction of BDNF is thought to be responsible for some depression cases," Martinez-Gonzalez said.

In addition, olive oil improves the binding of serotonin to its receptors "and serotonin is a key neurotransmitter in depression," he said. "In fact, Prozac acts by increasing the availability of serotonin in the brain."

And the omega-3 fatty acids found in some fish might help improve the function of the central nervous system, Martinez-Gonzalez said. "All these mechanisms may lead to an improved brain function and a greater resilience to better face the frustrations of every day, to control stress, and so on," he said.

But Martinez-Gonzalez does not recommend that people diagnosed with depression try to treat it by adopting this diet. "The Mediterranean diet might be ideal for the prevention of depression, but not for its treatment," he said. "For those patients who already have depression, the best thing they can do is to seek the proper medical treatment by a psychiatrist."

"It's not surprising to see these results," said Dr. David Mischoulon, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. "They are what we would have expected to see on the basis of previous information. There is a very large body of work in the psychiatric literature saying that components of the Mediterranean diet when looked at separately have such an effect."

Mischoulon agreed that he would not recommend the diet as a treatment for existing depression. "A person in an episode of depression needs more direct and more targeted intervention," he said.

But the study adds one more reason for adopting the Mediterranean diet, Mischoulon said. "If you have a family history of depression and you are concerned about it, a diet like this probably would be a good place to start," he said.

More information

The Mediterranean diet is explained by the American Heart Association.

SOURCES: Miguel A. Martinez-Gonzalez, M.D., Ph.D., professor and chair, department of preventive medicine, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain; David Mischoulon, M.D., associate professor, psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston; October 2009 Archives of General Psychiatry

Last Updated: Oct. 05, 2009

Πέμπτη 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009

Inside the White House: The Garden

First Lady Michelle Obama and White House chef Sam Kass tell the story of the first garden on White House grounds since Eleanor Roosevelt's Victory Garden during World War II.

Δευτέρα 16 Μαρτίου 2009

Three Inborn Fears by Lisa Jimenez, M.Ed.

All people are born with three inborn fears. These three fears are:
-- Fear of falling
-- Fear of loud noises
-- Fear of abandonment

As a child, these inborn fears kept you safe. They helped you monitor your life and what's going on around you. They were needed. Think about it, it is fear that gives you the powerful adrenaline rush so that you will have the ability to flee from a situation that is truly unsafe or the same adrenaline rush needed to fight to win! So, it would be fair to say that some fear is healthy and needed.

The problem arises when you react to these inborn fears out of habit. It's just what you've always done. It's your pattern. These inborn fears play out in an adult life through real-life situations of sudden change, responsibility, commitment, and success. Each one of these circumstances is inevitable in building a business, raising a family, or creating and maintaining a happy marriage.

So, if you're caught in the trap of habits and patterns of behavior, oppose them by using your intellect to face the fear – walk in it – and walk through it! Stop responding to these fears by allowing them to affect your behavior or cloud your dream. Make the distinct difference between reacting to fear and acting in fear.

When you feel the fear begin to build in your gut, use your intellect to talk you through the childhood fear and into truth. Feeling fearful is normal! Reacting to it is not.

Stop reacting to fear out of habit and patterns of behavior!

-- Lisa Jimenez M.Ed.